威廉希尔最新网址根据适用的出口管理威廉希尔最新网址的运营和全球供应链, 进口和贸易合规法律, 包括贸易禁运和经济制裁, 出口控制, 抵制, 货物的安全, 进口分类及估价, 起源, 标志和自由贸易协定
在威廉希尔最新网址, we expect our suppliers to operate according to the same ethical and environmentally sustainable principles we hold for our business. 威廉希尔最新网址的 供应商行为准则 强调威廉希尔最新网址对供应商执行安全工作条件的期望, 以尊重和尊严对待员工, 利用健全和环境可持续的商业实践.
We are committed to supporting fair and just labor practices by keeping our global supply chain and operations free of human trafficking, 奴役和强迫劳动. 欲了解更多信息或查看威廉希尔最新网址关于人口贩运的声明,请参见 威廉希尔最新网址的加州供应链透明度和英国现代奴隶制法案声明.
We comply with all regulations and laws pertaining to reporting on adverse events (AE) and special situation events (SSE). Any 威廉希尔最新网址 employee who becomes aware of an AE or SSE must forward certain enumerated information within one business day to the Pharmacovigilance department.
威廉希尔最新网址致力于将公平竞争作为企业行为准则. 威廉希尔最新网址遵守所有适用于营销活动的法律,包括禁止:
威廉希尔最新网址 is committed to understanding the impact of our business practices on the environment and managing our global emissions footprint. We further recognize the importance of understanding our climate-related risks and acknowledging our stakeholders’ interests in our plans to continue ensuring we prioritize minimizing our impact on the environment.
威廉希尔最新网址的 campuses consist of multiple manufacturing facilities that produce biologic and gene therapies and perform important pilot scale work, 除了实验室, 仓库和办公空间支持威廉希尔最新网址的临床开发和商业活动.
威廉希尔最新网址 developed and implemented a standard for the collection and verification of GHG data that aligns reporting of this information with the Principles for Effective Disclosure section of the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the GHG Protocol.
威廉希尔最新网址 has also begun to assess the most impactful and cost-efficient mitigation strategies to minimize our carbon footprint.
1 数据涵盖了威廉希尔最新网址在北加州和香巴利校区运营控制范围内的所有建筑. 威廉希尔最新网址校园的第一类排放源包括固定设备燃烧燃料, 制冷剂的释放和实验室化学品的使用.
2 The location-based figure we have reported for our Scope 2 emissions is based on the amount of electricity purchased and the average emissions intensity of the grids on which our energy consumption occurs. It does not account for the fact that we purchase electricity for all of our campuses that is generated from renewable sources like wind and solar.
3 Emissions associated with our Northern California campuses were calculated in accordance with the GHG Protocol and methodologies at US 40 CFR 98 and 17 CCR 95000 et seq.,并利用EPA eGRID排放因子.
4 Emissions associated with our Shanbally campus were calculated in accordance with the GHG Protocol and by utilizing common conversion factors for energy use in Ireland (http://www.seai.ie/data-and-insights/seai-statistics/conversion-factors/).
5 2020年的数据已经更新,包括威廉希尔最新网址运营控制下的北加州所有校区. 此前公布的数据仅包括诺瓦托和尚巴利制造园区的排放量.
6 Total Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions have stayed relatively flat despite an increase in manufacturing capacity at our Shanbally campus. 减少温室气体的措施, 例如转换为LED照明, 新生物反应器和包装套件的排放量是否平衡增长, 除了一个新的填充完成设施和一个冷链存储大楼.